Acorn Read online
Page 3
5) There are one thousand suns rising every day. We only see one of them because of our fixation on monolithic thinking.
6) Grapefruit is a hybrid of lemon and orange.
Snow is a hybrid of wish and lament.
Questionnaire II
Check the following statements: True/False
1) Adam and Eve were social outcasts from another planet.
2) People are afraid of shadows. People are even more afraid of being in the shadow. But without a shadow, life will be two dimensional.
3) There is no ownership in beauty.
4) The human race is in its embryonic stage.
Make your own True/False lines.
Quiz I
Check the ones you think are right.
Yellow Talk
a) All colours are imaginary except yellow. Yellow is the colour of the sun at its height. Other colours are shades of yellow in varying degrees. —Dr. Song
b) Yellow is the only imaginary colour. —Dr. Suzuki
c) Every colour has yellow in it. —Dr. Lee
d) All colours are imaginary. —Dr. Kato
Quiz II
Check the ones you think are right.
Youth Talk
You are still young because:
a) you never matured
b) you talk baby-talk to your mate
c) your children say so
d) your grandchildren say so
e) you don’t see any wrinkles on your face
f) you still hate the same friends
g) other reasons (give your reason)
Quiz III
Check the ones you think are right.
Line Talk
A line is:
a) a sick circle
b) an unfolded word
c) an aggressive dot
d) what you want to erase
e) what you regret after you dish it out
Quiz IV
Check the ones you think are right.
Wink Talk
The intensity of a wink is:
a) two cars smashed head-on
b) a storm turned into a breeze
c) a water drop from a loose faucet
Quiz V
Check the ones you think are right.
Wind Talk
The age of the wind is:
a) a billion years older than the Empire State Building
b) three hundred years older than the Alps
c) a day younger than the sea
d) two months younger than your daughter
e) a wind will be born when you pass away
Quiz VI
Check the ones you think are right.
Heart Talk
The weight of your heart equals:
a) a feather—when you’re happy
b) an ocean—when you’re sad
c) an old truck on a dusty dirt road—when you’re angry
d) a bright summer cloud—when you’re dreaming
Bless you for your anger
For it is a sign of rising energy.
Direct not to your family, waste not on your enemy.
Transform the energy to versatility
And it will bring you prosperity.
Bless you for your sorrow
For it is a sign of vulnerability.
Share not with your family, direct not to yourself.
Transform the energy to sympathy
And it will bring you love.
Bless you for your greed
For it is a sign of great capacity.
Direct not to your family. Direct not to the world.
Transform the energy to giving.
Give as much as you wish to take
And you will receive satisfaction.
Bless you for your jealousy
For it is a sign of empathy.
Direct not to your family, direct not to your friends.
Transform the energy to admiration
And what you admire
Will become part of your life.
Bless you for your fear
For it is a sign of wisdom.
Do not hold yourself in fear.
Transform the energy to flexibility
And you will be free
From what you fear.
Bless you for your search of direction
For it is a sign of aspiration.
Transform the energy to receptivity
And the direction will come to you.
Bless you for the times you see evil.
Evil is energy mishandled and it feeds on your support.
Feed not and it will self-destruct.
Shed light and it will cease to be.
Bless you for the times you feel no love.
Open your heart to life anyway
and in time you will find
love in you.
Bless you, bless you, bless you.
Bless you for what you are.
You are a sea of goodness, a sea of love.
Count your blessings every day for they are your protection
Which stands between you and what you wish not.
Count your curses and they will be a wall
Which stands between you and what you wish.
The world has all that you need
And you have the power
to attract what you wish.
Wish for health, wish for joy.
Remember you are loved.
I love you!
End Piece
Each planet has its own orbit agenda.
Think of people close to you as planets.
Sometimes it’s nice to just watch them
orbit and shine.
Photograph © Matthu Placek
YOKO ONO is an artist and political activist, known for her work in avant-garde art, music and filmmaking. Her previous books include Grapefruit and An Invisible Flower.
Published by
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Post Office Box 2225
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27515-2225
a division of
Workman Publishing
225 Varick Street
New York, New York 10014
© 2013 by Yoko Ono. All rights reserved.
Published by arrangement with OR Books, New York.
A version of this book was published in installments on the Internet during 1996 and 1997.
Cataloging-in-Publication data is available from the Library of Congress.
ISBN 978-1-6162-0399-3